08 Apr

Managing Non-Modellable Risk Factors

Managing Non-Modellable Risk Factors under FRTB

FRTB allows for risk factor (RF) modelling under IMA only where adequate observable data is available. It prescribes a framework for assessment of the modellability of RFs …

05 Oct

Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of FRTB

Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of FRTB

We argued here that the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) remains a critical initiative for the safety and soundness of global markets and banking systems, despite adoption headwinds from some of us in the industry.

21 Aug

Why the FRTB Remains Critical

As the world approaches the 10th anniversary of Lehman’s collapse and the ensuing global financial crisis, memories within the industry are fading along with lessons learnt. It is in this context that the Basel Committee…

13 Dec

The Basel III Gods Speak Loud and Clear

The Basel III Gods Speak Loud and Clear

After much anticipation, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) released its revised timeline for Basel III implementation setting the “up and running” dates as no later than January 1, 2022…

30 Aug

To FRTB and Beyond

To FRTB and Beyond

In January 2016, BCBS released revised minimum capital requirements for market risk following their eight-year long Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB). This framework represents an overarching view…

30 Aug

Managing Non-Modellable Risk Factors under FRTB

Managing Non-Modellable Risk Factors under FRTB

FRTB allows for RF modelling under IMA only where adequate observable data is available. It prescribes a framework for assessment of the modelability of RFs based on their observability and other factors, and for capital charges …